Getting Started with OpenBMP
This guide walks through the steps to install an OpenBMP system using PostgreSQL on a single VM instance using docker-compose.
VM Sizing
Sizing depends on the number of prefixes being monitored and the number of BGP updates per second. Internet peering with approx. 850,000 IPv4 prefixes has normally a rate of 15 updates per second. Internal peering, such as with remote sites, should be very stable with less than 1 update a second. In fact, internal peering has very little to no updates per second and instead has bursts of updates (normally less than 1000) every so often.
When monitoring internet peers with full IPv4 routing tables, you will need to size the main persistent storage to 1GB per peer with 50MB per day for updates (timeseries storage). Internal peering is totally different. It's expected that internal peering is not as chatty as internet full table peering/monitoring. For internal peering with say less than 5000 prefixes with updates averaging at 5000 per day, you should size the main storage at 50MB and 2MB for timeseries per peer.
Disk IOPS are the bottleneck in terms of performance. You should use fast SSD or array disks to achieve high IOPS. A fast SSD has a sustained rate of >= 10000 IOPS per second. This works very well. The target IOPS needed is >= 5000.
Memory is not such as big deal in terms of data collection. It's more on the SQL queries that require a lot of memory. The number of connections makes a huge difference. If you plan to support many connections accessing and running queries, you will need more memory. You should be able to support <= 100 concurrent connections to PostgreSQL with a system that has 32GB of RAM. Responses times to queries that use indexes should be less than 2 seconds.
The number of vCPUs is also driven by the number of concurrent connections to PostgreSQL. A good starting point is to have at least 16 vCPUs.
Small deployments with less than 1M prefixes and less than 100,000 updates per day can easily run on a system with 4vCPUs, 4GB RAM and 80GB disk (<1000 IOPS).
Docker Containers
There are several docker containers defined in OpenBMP docker-compose.yml.
These containers can be distributed over more than one VM/host. These can also be added to kubernetes clusters, but make sure that you have the IOPS needed for PostgreSQL.
Kafka, Zookeeper, and Grafana are standard off-the-shelf. You can use any Kafka and Grafana install as long as you note the settings that are used.
PostgreSQL container is basically the same container as docker timescale/timescaledb, with some extra tuning applied. You can use any PostgreSQL cluster, but note that we do use (and require) >= version 12 of PostgreSQL. See postgres Dockerfile for details on what you will need to configure in your postgres cluster.
Steps to bring up OpenBMP on a single VM
(1) Install docker and docker-compose.
- Follow the Docker Install to install a current version of docker.
- Follow the Docker Compose Install to install a current version of docker-compose.
(2) Download Files
git clone
(3) Setup persistent storage
You can re-use existing configurations, grafana dashboards, etc.
(3.a) Define a root location
Normally we place everything in /var/openbmp
, but you can place it anywhere.
export OBMP_DATA_ROOT=/var/openbmp
sudo mkdir -p $OBMP_DATA_ROOT
sudo chmod -R 7777 $OBMP_DATA_ROOT
(3.b) Create sub-directories
To keep it simple, we normally create the sub-directories under the root.
You can mount other partitions/slices or external disks using anyone of these paths. It is advisablethat you at least mount/partition both ${OBMP_DATA_ROOT}/postgres/data
and ${OBMP_DATA_ROOT}/postgres/ts
Postgres data partition doesn’t require as much as ts. ts (timeseries) size depends onhow long you want to keep data. The default is 4 weeks of history.
mkdir -p ${OBMP_DATA_ROOT}/config
mkdir -p ${OBMP_DATA_ROOT}/kafka-data
mkdir -p ${OBMP_DATA_ROOT}/zk-data
mkdir -p ${OBMP_DATA_ROOT}/zk-log
mkdir -p ${OBMP_DATA_ROOT}/postgres/data
mkdir -p ${OBMP_DATA_ROOT}/postgres/ts
mkdir -p ${OBMP_DATA_ROOT}/grafana
chmod -R 7777 $OBMP_DATA_ROOT/*
(4) Copy Grafana Provisioning
Copy the grafana provisioning data from the repo to the ${OBMP_DATA_ROOT}/grafana
cp -r obmp-grafana/dashboards obmp-grafana/provisioning ${OBMP_DATA_ROOT}/grafana/
Repeat the above when grafana provisioning has changed.
(5) Customize the docker-compose.yml settings
Edit the docker-compose.yml
file and tune the config for your deployment.
- Change the MEM environment variable value (in GB) based on your install in both the
(6) Run OpenBMP docker-compose.yml
OBMP_DATA_ROOT=/var/openbmp docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -p obmp up -d
Containers will restart if they crash or if the system is rebooted.
(7) Set grafana home
- Login to grafana via http://<ip/hostname>:3000/
- Click the link at the bottom left (above the help icon) to Sign In.
- Sign in as admin using the password in the compose file
- Click on the dashboard icon (middle left) and select Browse
- Under the General folder, click on OBMP-Home
- In the upper left, next to the dashboard name of General/OBMP-Home there is a star icon. Click that.
- Click on the user icon (same to sign in) and select Preferences
- Under Preferences select OBMP-Home from the Home Dashboard list.
- Click Save.
The OBMP-Home dashboard should not be set.
(8) Verify
You should have a similar output as below from ```docker ps``:
f262aee1b240 confluentinc/cp-kafka:7.0.1 "/etc/confluent/dock…" 39 minutes ago Up 39 minutes>9092/tcp obmp-kafka
aed91c7ef358 confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:7.0.1 "/etc/confluent/dock…" 40 minutes ago Up 39 minutes 2181/tcp, 2888/tcp, 3888/tcp obmp-zookeeper
5a1add7bf676 openbmp/postgres:2.1.0 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 40 minutes ago Up 40 minutes>5432/tcp obmp-psql
95f011c89965 openbmp/psql-app:2.1.0 "/usr/sbin/run" 40 minutes ago Up 39 minutes>9005/tcp obmp-psql-app
757f03efdb10 grafana/grafana:8.3.4 "/" 40 minutes ago Up 40 minutes>3000/tcp obmp-grafana
61e2af0a4044 openbmp/collector:2.1.0 "/usr/sbin/run" 40 minutes ago Up 40 minutes>5000/tcp obmp-collector
159678da7f34 openbmp/whois:2.1.0 "/bin/sh -c '/usr/lo…" 40 minutes ago Up 40 minutes>43/tcp obmp-whois
You should be able to login to grafana at http://<vm ip/name>:3000/
(9) Configure Routers
Configure routers to send BMP to <vm ip/hostname> port 5000
Check Consumer Lag
docker exec -it obmp-psql-app /bin/bash
kafka-tools -b obmp-kafka:29092 print_consumer_lag openbmp.parsed.unicast_prefix obmp-psql-consumer
You should see positive numbers in the offset columns and a lag normally less than a few thousand. When you have a lot of peers that are all RIB dumping at the same time, the lag might be in the millions. This should not last too long and it should normalize where you see a lag less than 1000.
###Check if Consumer is connected to Kafka
# Get the consumer group name - Below shows only one, which is the default obmp-psql-consumer
ubuntu@server:~$ docker exec -it obmp-kafka kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server localhost:29092 --list
# Query the consumer group. Loook for a connected host in the HOST column, next to consumer-id
ubuntu@server:~$ docker exec -it obmp-kafka kafka-consumer-groups \
--bootstrap-server localhost:29092 \
--describe --group obmp-psql-consumer
obmp-psql-consumer openbmp.parsed.collector 4 263 263 0 obmp-psql-consumer-0b4cdb21-7847-4bcb-a303-6fdaec0fbd46 / obmp-psql-consumer
obmp-psql-consumer openbmp.parsed.router 6 10 10 0 obmp-psql-consumer-0b4cdb21-7847-4bcb-a303-6fdaec0fbd46 / obmp-psql-consumer
obmp-psql-consumer openbmp.parsed.peer 5 6 6 0 obmp-psql-consumer-0b4cdb21-7847-4bcb-a303-6fdaec0fbd46 / obmp-psql-consumer
obmp-psql-consumer openbmp.parsed.ls_link 2 4733 4733 0 obmp-psql-consumer-0b4cdb21-7847-4bcb-a303-6fdaec0fbd46 / obmp-psql-consumer
obmp-psql-consumer openbmp.parsed.unicast_prefix 5 2550156 2550190 34 obmp-psql-consumer-0b4cdb21-7847-4bcb-a303-6fdaec0fbd46 / obmp-psql-consumer
obmp-psql-consumer openbmp.parsed.base_attribute 2 1211641 1211656 15 obmp-psql-consumer-0b4cdb21-7847-4bcb-a303-6fdaec0fbd46 / obmp-psql-consumer
<truncated output>
Clear and start a container
OBMP_DATA_ROOT=/var/openbmp docker-compose -p obmp stop <container/service>
OBMP_DATA_ROOT=/var/openbmp docker-compose -p obmp rm <container/service>
# Optionally also remove the image
# docker rmi <image name>:<tag>
OBMP_DATA_ROOT=/var/openbmp docker-compose -p obmp up -d <container/service>
Shutdown and remove all containers
OBMP_DATA_ROOT=/var/openbmp docker-compose -p obmp down
Restart a container
OBMP_DATA_ROOT=/var/openbmp docker-compose -p obmp stop <container>
OBMP_DATA_ROOT=/var/openbmp docker-compose -p obmp start <container>
# Use the below if you want to recreate and start it
OBMP_DATA_ROOT=/var/openbmp docker-compose -p obmp up -d <container>
Fix issues relating to persistent data
Sometimes persistent data can become a problem for a container. You can attempt to fix it or just purge the data and start over.
To purge and start over, start by purging only the specific data that might be a problem, such as kafa-data or postgres. If that doesn't work, remove them all and then recreate and populate as mentioned in the above install steps.
rm -rf /var/openbmp/*